What is a 'mac lady' and how do you hunt them? You pose your Mum, or other family member, close to a 'macker' (typical British lady in mackintosh or other coat), and "click". I give them points out of ten for how fab they are... This one is a good 9. Not only is she cloaked in a coat and hat, but she also has the required sensible shoes, shopping back, etc. The only way you can achieve a '10' is if you have a short-legged dog, of questionable origins, on a lead.
Yes, that is my Mum back on her feet, with her little pal Ella. Whilst posing for this, she said "Oh Lesley, y'don't want a picture of me do you?" ... all blushy and coy (for her) I said.. "No, but the lady in red is just fabulous!
I'm so relieved Mum is doing better now. I spent several weeks in the UK with her and visiting my art friends, and my daughter at her new flat in London. (She's having a remarkable time at Sotheby's Art Institute, and sharing her discoveries with me. How delicious!)