January 2010: FRENCH QUARTER POODLE. 8 x 5 watercolor on paper.
My husband and I went to New Orleans recently, taking my daughter to college, and hoping to catch some jazz (he to listen, me to watch and sketch). It was too cold.. brrrr. Wind howled through the streets and the only people walking were doing so at a great rate, from car to house... Except for this guy. I observed him while drinking tea from the lovely breakfast room of a very cool, artsy hotel (Danny Glover was two tables away.) A massive, coffee-coloured french poodle was dragging a cossack down the street, backpack bouncing madly, scarves a-flailing, and I thought "Darn! Where is my sketchbook or camera?" Never mind, I thought. I'll take a mental snapshot. Back in our room, Larry read the paper and I painted this. (You can buy it from New Editions Gallery, Lexington, KY)