Keeneland Paddock, April 2012 by Lesley Humphrey. There was I, all dressed up with a dainty little handbag at the Spring Meet, with no room for a decent sketch pad… But I had a sketchpad. I had my iphone, and a finger.
Painting/drawing with smart phones
iPhone, iPad “Brushes” Application:
Wherever you go… On an airplane, at the hairdresser’s under the dryer, the life you see around you is a miracle. Most of you will already have a smart phone with you. Whilst I do not particularly like being available 24/7 for anyone who knows my number, my smart phone became precious to me when I watched Steve Jobs do a talk about the Brushes app. Now, I always have something to sketch upon. (For just $4.99 you can download the app. I know there are other programs for different types of smartphone and I am sure a search will find one for you non-Apple folks.) It’s so easy to learn. More colors than you could ever dream of. There’s simply no excuse for not being creative if you have a smart phone….
Capture Everyday Moments:
It’s intimidating to go to art classes or draw/paint in public. People watch. People judge. They can’t help it…It’s human nature. You have a way to capture gestures of the moment and be creative, if you have an iPhone….
Wade’s: Sitting in the beauty shop, hair in foil and waiting to “process”. The perfect time to play with your iPhone. People think your ‘texting’ and never dream you’re drawing them. They’re strapped to a chair. If they move, they could lose an ear. Sitting ducks for your iPhone drawing session.
My daughter Ashley. A cool young lady with a mane like a lion, and the spirit of a butterfly. (An amazing artist herself, she captures life in rare photographic images.)
Yet another beauty shop victim. (As you can see, I get very bored sitting ‘processing’.) You can see that I am as intrigued by the shapes as I am the figure, perhaps more so.
Man waiting for his wife in the beauty shop. No doubt on his smart phone :)
Jimmy Mac. I love to go to my friend’s studio, have a glass of wine and paint. Jimmy always has a massive abstract he’s working on. Sometimes he just stops and plays the guitar. The more wine we drink, the more of the world’s problems we solve. ‘Problem is, it’s always messed up again by the morning’s news :(
Horseshoe Bend by Lesley Humphrey : Bored on a plane… Flying over the Mississippi at 30,000 feet provides some wonderful shapes.
Sometimes it’s just a mood I wish to portray. As you can see, they’re not always ‘good’. “Better out than in” is what my Mum always used to say. What better way to ‘take it out’ than to scribble it on your iPhone or iPad? Make some art out of it! You’ll feel better.
Want to see the process in action? Click below.
Final Word….
My life is a living testament to the old statement “What comes around, goes around”’; or “What you do for others in an act of generosity, comes back tenfold”. In honor of this code, I began writing down everything I know in these lessons in 2011 and began to offer them out, for free…. But it’s very valuable information. The lessons constitute a lifetime of learning, and are lent to you as an act of generosity to help you on your artistic journey. If you find this material helpful, continue to ‘pay it forward’ by sharing this website with others so that they too can be inspired with Art through "Lessons With Lesley."
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All content and images contained in this website, including “Lessons With Lesley” remain the property of Lesley Humphrey, along with all rights and privileges connected thereto under international copyright laws. Under no circumstances can the content of this website be transferred or utilized for other than one-time, personal use without permission of Lesley Humphrey, or L and L Humphrey, LLC, its agents or assigns.